WEBSITE: http://deepinsidemymind.com
Thank you for visiting the website of exhibition Deep inside my mind. My name is Mike, and I am the photographer behind this exhibition. This event is a large follow-up to my last year's solo exhibition Alone;Not Alone.
For the past centuries, portrait artist are valued for projecting the essence of the subject into the art piece. The desire to represent the subject in a reflective manner, or in other words "portraying" them, have persisted and is still basis of portrait genre, especially in photography.
However, every piece of art is a representation of artists' essence as well. Their feelings, experiences, time and place in history, everything is embedded in a piece of art. Consciously or not, artists blend themselves with their subjects into an unparalleled mixture of unique individuals.
"Deep inside my mind" is an exploration of the my psyche through portraits of others. By setting the subject in an unfamiliar time and space, directing their pose and facial expression, or even by altering their outfit and body, I minimalize the essence of the model and emphasize my own emotions,fears, and desires. At the end, the feelings hidden deep inside my mind end up on my photographs.
Welcome to my world.
Mike Mocarski
Deep inside my mind
2022.08.26 FRI – 09.12 MON
- 「Deep inside my mind」展覧会は昨年の個展「Alone Not Alone」の続編です。
「Deep inside my mind」は、他人の肖像画を通した私の精神の探求です。見慣れない時間や空間に被写体を設定したり、ポーズや表情を演出したり、服装や身体を変えたりすることでモデルの本質を最小化し、自分の感情や恐怖、欲望を強調します。最後に私の心の奥深くに隠された感情が写真に表現されます。

東京都渋谷区桜丘町16-12 桜丘フロントビル 1F